1st April - 12th April

Aladdin 1st April - 12th April

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Made by the Parishioners

The kneelers were produced between 1981 and 1986 by parishioners and people associated with our Church. Many of the people had no previous experience of tapestry work. Two of the "stitching team" were men.


The design was intentionally kept simple so that it didn't detract from the beauty of the medieval painted and stained glass windows. The three colours used for the kneelers were the dominant colours in the windows. Red and green being Liturgical colours and blue representing the Madonna. The kneelers in the Chapel of All Souls reflect the three colours used plus the rich purple and gold of the Noah window. Green for the background accords with the Creation.  A pair of kneelers in the Chancel were made for use at Confirmations, with the design of the ascending Dove representing the Holy Spirit.  The initials on the kneelers signify either the worker, or in some cases the person in whose memory it was given.

Altar Rail Kneelers

The Altar-rail kneeler (pictured below) were given by Major & Mrs Keeble in memory of their son who had recently died. The Kneeler is made of five parts each 4 feet wide. The design, which is modern, runs across the whole. There is a candle, each slightly different, on each section which complements the candle on the Bishop's Chair, it represents the Light of the Spirit. The colours are brilliant to reflect the colours in the great EastWindow.

Dangar Chapel Kneelers

The Dangar Chapel kneelers were made by St. Neot parishioners from a design adapted from the bottom panel of the Young Women's Window in our Church. The design has been altered to show the women praying towards the centre kneeler which is a golden cross. These were given by William Taylor in memory of his mother.

“The clock commemorates the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897.”

“Looking up the bell tower you can see a stone vaulted ceiling with transverse arches, this is unique amongst Cornish churches."